A post on Self-Love

A few nights ago I hosted a Self-Love community circle at Conscious Lab. Although it was smaller than past circles, the conversation was deep, vulnerable and full of so much wisdom. When we share our human experience there’s so much healing and beauty that comes from...

Unveiling Entrepreneurship

Last week was the 11-year anniversary of when my brother and I held our first Make It show at the Bonnie Doon community centre in Edmonton. Starting out, we really didn’t have much of a plan, and it’s pretty surreal to see what the business has now grown into. I...

Do your dreams sometimes make you want to puke?!

The last blog post I wrote I was flying to Phoenix, and this one is now being written on my flight home. There’s something about writing on airplanes that I love. I think it’s because I’m confined to a seat for multiple hours with very little distractions! Plus – it’s...

Energy is everything + everything is energy!

Happy New Year! I hope your first few week into 2017 has felt fresh n’ clean. I know it can be crazy over the holidays and the beginning of the year can feel like a shock to the system. With all the over indulging I personally love the feeling of getting back...