Unveiling Entrepreneurship

Sep 25, 2019 | Entrepreneur, Make It, Make It Happen


Last week was the 11-year anniversary of when my brother and I held our first Make It show at the Bonnie Doon community centre in Edmonton. Starting out, we really didn’t have much of a plan, and it’s pretty surreal to see what the business has now grown into. I sometimes can’t even recognize the very thing that I created.

As the birthmother of the business, I have felt a lot of pressure to continuously grow Make It. There’s a level of responsibility I feel towards the Makies who participate, and are financially impacted by the show. If I’m not conscious with choosing how I see my reality, it can feel completely overwhelming and exhausting.

Since the early days, I have put myself at forefront, and as the face of the brand. This has been a huge advantage in many ways because it’s allowed me to build strong relationships with supportive people in the media. I’m able to book interviews with a single email to the right producer. I enjoy these connection, and the ease it allows us to promote the show.

It’s also a way I’ve been able to connect with the Makies at the show. They recognize who I am and know my story, so there’s a relatability. We can connect faster and deeper because they know I’ve been on the other side of the booth and understand a lot of what they are experiencing. This is the part that I get the most joy and fulfilment from. The show feels less like a tradeshow and more like a family.

But, there are some days where I don’t want to be the face anymore. I want to hide away from it all because the energy can feel too intense and my nervous system spazzes out. It can feel like I’m living in a duality because the very thing I’ve created starts to consume me. I feel trapped and caged by all of the expectations and pressure I put on myself to perform at a certain level.

Entrepreneurship is something that is seen as the ultimate goal for many. The ability to create your own schedule, do the work you love, and make an impact are all beautiful aspects of running your own business. The opportunities and possibilities are endless, making it a natural lifestyle choice for those of us who are after full expression and self-actualization. Rise up!

What I feel isn’t discussed enough in our glossy, edited, boss babe world, are some of the real emotional and spiritual challenges that can overtake us as the business grows. Mental health and entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly important topic as our world speeds up. We are facing pressures now that didn’t exist back when I started. Keeping up with “all the things” can be soul sucking.

I believe what we reveal, will heal. Transformation comes from showing up as your authentic self, and telling the truth. I used to be someone who thought I needed to be sparkly and shiny all the time to prove to people that I knew what I was doing. Even if I was dying inside from anxiety and stress, I would stronghold myself into portraying an image that I thought other people expected.

This burnt me out to a point where I was scared that I had pushed too hard. The toll it took not only on my body, but also my mental health took me to a terrifying edge. As frightening as some of these experiences were, I look at them as divine intervention because they forced me to pivot, and ask for help. I knew the way I was going would eventually destroy me, or the business…or possibly both.

In 2017 Make It reached over 7 figures in revenue. Hitting this milestone was really exciting, but to be honest I’ve never focused too much on the finances. I think like many creative entrepreneurs, numbers intimidate me, and I have a tendency to avoid them. Last year I hired a really good bookkeeper to keep me more accountable. Even though I still have lots of resistance, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.

The reason for bringing up the revenue, is because I know statistically less than 3% of businesses that reach 7 figures are owned by women. Wtf?! When I found this shocking statistic, it made my heart sink. There seems to be a glass ceiling even in the entrepreneurial world.

The great news is, we have the power to blast through it!

A few weeks ago, I was in NYC. The reason for the trip, is because I received an email from my former coach, Marie Forleo, about her book launch party for Everything is Figureoutable. I had the joy of working with Marie in 2012 through her Mastermind program. There were 20 of us in the group and we had the privilege of working with her one-on-one for a year. This was a total game changer for me…as I’m sure you can imagine.

Seeing Marie rock the stage in front of 2000 fans was a strong reminder of the importance of female role models. One thing I admire most about her, is her commitment to being unapologetically herself. Marie is authentic, real, and shows up as the biggest expression of herself. Damn it’s inspiring to see!

Another special thing that happened on that trip, is I got engaged to my love! Orson proposed by the Brooklyn Bridge, which was one of the most magical moments of my life. He even hired a photographer to capture the moment, and if you would like to see the photos you can check them out on my IG. I’ll write more about it in another post 😉

The intention of writing this post is because I want to help you on your path. I obviously don’t have all the answers (no one does), but what I can offer is my story and experience. The more we share our hearts, the more we realize we are not alone. It comforting to see yourself in others, and for them to see themselves in you.

My offering to you is an evening experience on Oct 9thwhere we come together as a community at Conscious Lab to teach, learn, and grow together. I will be sharing a talk I’ve created called Unveiling Entrepreneurship, which is designed to help you move through some of the blocks and barriers with greater ease and flow. Tickets available here.

My passion is creating space for people to rise up, and live the highest versions of themselves. I believe the more we embody this frequency, the better the world becomes.

If you live in Vancouver and are available on Oct 9th it would be an honour to see you. You have something special in you that will help others and make their lives better. Let’s unveil what that is, and bring it into the light so you can shine!

If you live in Vancouver make sure you check out MRKT by Make It, this weekend and support over 100 incredible Makies at the Croatian Cultural Centre. Tickets on sale here.

Thank you for reading and as always feel free to share your thoughts!


Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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