Being truly seen can feel overwhelming, heart wrenching, and f*cking scary. To have people really see you means you're opening yourself up to judgement, criticism, and worst of all being misunderstood. What could possibly be worth feeling like this?? But what if this wasn't true? I know for myself I'm consistently poking my head out, and then going back into my shell when the feeling...

Love, Joy and Magic
Welcome to the Jenna Herbut Blog
Make It Happen Challenge!
Apr 6, 2020 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur
Happy Sunday friends! These posts allow me to process some of what I’m feeling throughout the week, and my hope is that they are helpful for you to process some of own feelings and emotions. No one knows what’s going on right now, but my intention is if we are vulnerable and truthful about what we’re experiencing, there’s a beautiful opportunity to heal together. What I’m noticing is my...
If not now, then when?
Mar 30, 2020 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur
It's remarkable how adaptable human beings really are. You've likely been in some sort of quarantine for the past two weeks or so. At first, it probably felt really overwhelming, scary, and almost surreal. Time also might have taken on a whole new sense and meaning. But as we come to terms with the idea that this might be a while, there's a sense of comfort and peace that ironically comes with...
How to Keep Yourself and Your Business Healthy
Mar 23, 2020 | Entrepreneur, In The Community
With so much negativity happening in the world right now, my intention is to deliver some levity, inspiration, and hopefully a bit of joy to your inbox. Plus, you’ve already been told to wash your hands for the millionth time, and have likely stocked up on enough pasta and online yoga subscriptions to get you through the next several months! What I’m here to offer is my own understanding and...
A post on Self-Love
Mar 23, 2020 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur, In The Community
A few nights ago I hosted a Self-Love community circle at Conscious Lab. Although it was smaller than past circles, the conversation was deep, vulnerable and full of so much wisdom. When we share our human experience there’s so much healing and beauty that comes from it. I can only speak for myself, but I felt that the 2 hours of listening and sharing shifted so much for me. As I walked home I...
Unveiling Entrepreneurship
Sep 25, 2019 | Entrepreneur, Make It, Make It Happen
Last week was the 11-year anniversary of when my brother and I held our first Make It show at the Bonnie Doon community centre in Edmonton. Starting out, we really didn’t have much of a plan, and it’s pretty surreal to see what the business has now grown into. I sometimes can’t even recognize the very thing that I created. As the birthmother of the business, I have felt a lot of pressure to...
Books, burnout, and bigger dreams!
Jan 30, 2019 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur, Make It, Make It Happen
You haven’t heard from me in a while because I experienced symptoms of burnout after the last quarter of 2018. I feel a lot better now, but at the time it was really scary. If you’ve been following me on social, you probably know I recently launched my first book baby into the world! It took me almost 2 years to complete Make It Happen, and it feels surreal that it has now manifested into...
I made it happen
Nov 6, 2018 | Make It, Sparkly Love
My book, Make It Happen finally comes out today in bookstores and online. The journey of writing this book started years ago and it feels incredibly surreal that I’m finally able to hold the finished product. I’ve laboured over this thing longer and harder than I ever imagined I would, and now it’s available for the world to read. This moment is one that I have been anticipating for a...
Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.