Make It Happen Challenge!

Apr 6, 2020 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur

Happy Sunday friends! 
These posts allow me to process some of what I’m feeling throughout the week, and my hope is that they are helpful for you to process some of own feelings and emotions. No one knows what’s going on right now, but my intention is if we are vulnerable and truthful about what we’re experiencing, there’s a beautiful opportunity to heal together.
What I’m noticing is my ability to focus and my energy levels are extremely inconsistent lately. I have some days where I rearing to go and have ideas galore, and other days where taking a shower and putting on pants feels overwhelming. I’m trying to take it day by day, but it’s honestly pretty rough at times. Are you feeling the same? 
I came up with an analogy last week that helps me understand how I’m feeling. I freaking love analogies, and if we spend time together you’ll know that I bust them out often! Here we go: right now it’s like there’s heavy metal music (or something else really loud) constantly playing in our minds, and we’re wondering why it’s hard to read a book. 
Even if you’re the most spiritual, woke (btw, can we stop using this word – please!) person there’s no denying the consistent unsettling energy that’s impacting us all on some level. We’re all connected, and even if you’re keeping yourself busy by reorganizing your home and baking Instagramable muffins, there’s still that music blaring in the background that can suck your energy and bandwidth. 
The good news is, it’s all ok. It’s normal to feel off kilter right now because there is so much uncertainty in the air. As humans we crave some change because it allows us to grow, but too much all at once can offer more challenge than we know what to do with. Plus, there’s so much conflicting information coming at us all at once. It’s just a lot to handle.  
One of my go-to spiritual practices is remembering to trust and surrender. Trusting that everything is happening for me, and then surrendering to the outcome. This simple, but potent mantra has gotten me through SO many challenges over the years. This is why it comes up many times in my book Make It Happen. If you haven’t read it already, quarantine might be the perfect time 😉
When I do have days, or moments where I feel like I’m emotionally sinking into quicksand, I refocus my energy on doing something creative. Sometimes I do this forcibly because it’s the last thing I feel like. Normally I find creation joyful, fun, and easy, but that’s not always the case these days. I’m working on knitting the world’s longest scarf because it just feel good to make.
It’s a balance between not being too hard on myself, and gently coaxing myself to get off my phone and/or usually sofa and DO something. The bar is sometimes as low as changing from PJs to yoga pants (real pants are a thing of the past for me), doing laundry or making a healthy snack. Just something to keep myself slowly moving forward. 
On good days, I’ve launched some really awesome projects. One of these are weekly Zoom calls for entrepreneurs to share their creative ideas. It’s like a drop-in mastermind. I feel a bit shy and awkward going into them, but after the calls I feel so inspired and fired up! The last 2 have been all female, but this week I’m opening it up to dudes. It’s going to be on Thursday at 5pm PST so make sure to register here. I only have room for 8-10 participants. 
Another thing I’ve been reminding myself is what an incredibly awesome opportunity for self-growth and creativity this time is. Like many entrepreneurs, I have a laundry list of ideas I want to accomplish, but never have the time. Now, I have lots of time so the only thing stopping me is…MYSELF. Ugh, don’t you hate coming to this realization?! 
My other practice is actively getting out of my own way. I’m also realizing some of my blocks are from waaaaay back. Like childhood stuff coming out. I was super shy as a kid, and a lot of the new ideas I have require that I allow myself to be seen, which brings up so many unconscious beliefs. The good part is I can identify what’s holding me back and lovingly release it. If it wasn’t for this time, they probably would stay down there. 
One thing that has allowed me to be successful in my life is strong accountability. Think about it, the entire Make It show is built on accountability. If I didn’t have a community of Makies I’m committed to, or pre-selected dates made years in advance, there’s no way I could pull it off! 
If you’re open and need a little accountability right now to stay creative/sane, please leave a comment below and share one thing you’re going to make happen this week. What is that one project or idea that you’re finnnnalllly going to start? I would love to hear about it. 
Bonus points: post a photos on social, and tag me (@jennaherbut) and use hashtag #makeithappenchallenge so we can all see it in action! There’s so much power in action like this. 
Ok ok, I’ll go first. The creative project I’m committing to make this week is interviewing 2-3 people on Instagram Live. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, but I keep chickening out. But now I can’t because I have you to keep me accountable 😉
Thank you for reading and I wish you a wonderful week ahead. Let’s use this time to make it happen! 

Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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