Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical!
Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical!
Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.
I know that it is possible to live an extraordinary life doing what you love, because I have done it myself.
I have been able to design an incredible lifestyle by doing what feels authentic and natural. As founder and CEO of one of the largest craft fairs in Canada, Make It, I’ve also witnessed hundreds of other creative entrepreneurs do the same. They have made an awesome living for themselves by selling what they make.
It’s not always easy, and there will be some bumps along the way, but when you can do what you are meant to do in the world, it’s truly magnificent to see how your life transforms.
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I started out on my own entrepreneurial journey in the early 2000s.
It all started with a belt; a Booty Belt actually!
In 2002 I was so fired up about my idea, that I decided to write a business plan for one of my University of Alberta marketing classes. Booty Beltz became a reality upon my graduation, and I was soon selling my fabric sash belts to 120 boutiques all over Canada, USA and Japan. It was a total thrill growing my biz and it allowed me to experience and learn so much. I also became savvy at media and PR, and was able to get my Booty Beltz featured in numerous magazines, newspapers and on TV.
After a few years in, I started to feel burnt out from wholesaling and wasn’t enjoying my business nearly as much. I knew something had to change. A fellow artisan asked me if I would be interested in selling some of my Booty Belt stock at an outdoor street festival.
At first I was skeptical because I thought it was a step in the wrong direction for my brand, but something inside of me thought it would be really fun, so I went for it! What I discovered from that experience changed my life.
Selling directly to customers was exciting, gratifying and fun! I soon started schlepping my goods around Canada and selling at as many festival and craft shows as possible. It became my main focus, and slowly I had less and less wholesale accounts. I didn’t care because selling direct to the end customers allowed me to be more creative and not worry about all the things I used to dread like catalogs, consistent stock and cold calling buyers. Plus, I was profiting well over six figures a year – more than ever before! Another great aspect of selling at shows was meeting amazing crafty entrepreneurs from all over the country. I loved hearing their stories and would absorb their knowledge like a sponge.
Because I have a hard wired marketing brain, it didn’t take long for me to realize that craft shows needed to revamp their branding. A lot of the marketing didn’t appeal to many of my friends, even though there was really cool stuff sold by young, hip artisans. This was around the time Etsy launched, and I saw huge potential in the growing DIY movement.
So, what did I do? Started my own show!
The Make It story
I have launched jennaherbut.com because I want to help my fellow creative entrepreneurs improve their business skills so they can be super successful doing what they love.
My goal now is to teach others all the things I wish someone told me back in the early Booty Beltz days. I designed my program, Make It Happen Online to be simple, clear and practical. Plus since it’s online you can learn anytime, anywhere…even while wearing your PJs and fuzzy slippers!
Helping you live the life of your dreams is what lights me up. I know what it feels like to be so passionate about an idea that you eat, sleep and breathe it. I also know how damn good it feels to make a lot of money doing it. This is the feeling that I want to share with you.