The Universe works in mysterious ways sometimes. Or maybe it’s not mysterious at all, but just different than how we think things should be so we come up with a term for it. Anyways, I have been learning a ton of lessons lately and as always, I feel comfort in sharing my thoughts and ideas with you through my writing. Who knows, maybe something I say will resonate with you and bring you some...

Love, Joy and Magic
Welcome to the Jenna Herbut Blog
I’m launching something new!
Jun 6, 2018 | #MakeItTV, Conscious Lab, In The Community
Usually around this time of year my life is MUCH more leisurely. Make Itwraps up at the end of April, so I’m able to take a breath in May and June. This spring I have decided to launch something new, so the pace of my life hasn’t slowed down much at all. Although I’m super busy, it feels amazing to be putting my energy into something I really believe in and feel passionate about. There’s...
How I conquered one of my biggest fears using positive energy
May 18, 2018 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur
There are some days that take on a life of their own, and lead to unexpected magical moments that you could never predict when you first open your eyes and climb out of bed. The twist and unexpected turns lead you to opportunities and experiences that you could have never seen coming. Yesterday was one of those days. May is an interesting month for me. Make It wrapped up at the end of...
Who really runs the show
Mar 9, 2018 | Entrepreneur, Make It, Sparkly Love
Above is a photo of Team Make It at the very end of our 2017 holiday show in Vancouver. The moment in time that the photo captures we were feeling exhausted, worn out, and incredibly relieved because we finished the season on an high note. The Vancouver show broke attendance records and I know many Makies had massive success too, which at the end of the day is the reason why we do what we do. A...
Do you wish you could work from anywhere? Here’s how
Feb 21, 2018 | Sparkly Love
Hello from beautiful Bali! I’ve been in this magical land for over 2 weeks, and now in the final stretch of my trip. The reason I came here was to complete editing my first book called Make It Happen. I started my writing process here about a year and a half ago and I remember feeling very connected, creative, and inspired. If you’ve been to Bali before you’ll likely understand what I’m talking...
How to make your dreams come true
Feb 1, 2018 | Conscious Lab, Entrepreneur, Sparkly Love
If you’ve been following my posts for the past 6 months, you may recall I launched a business last summer called Conscious Lab. The idea was to create an event space I could rent out for workshops, seminars, speaker series, AND dance parties! I signed a lease for a space in Gastown that has the most exquisite windows, exposed brick, and vintage heat registers I’ve ever seen. My friend was in the...
Do your dreams sometimes make you want to puke?!
Jan 17, 2018 | Entrepreneur
The last blog post I wrote I was flying to Phoenix, and this one is now being written on my flight home. There’s something about writing on airplanes that I love. I think it’s because I’m confined to a seat for multiple hours with very little distractions! Plus – it’s pretty damn spectacular to look out the window from time-to-time and see a broader view of Earth down below. This flight is...
We planned out the Make It empire in this magical log cabin!
Dec 22, 2017 | Make It, Sparkly Love
After an absolutely crazy month, I can’t tell you how good it feels to sit in front of my computer with space and time to express and make sense of some of the experiences I have recently had. As I type this I’m flying to Phoenix to spend the holidays with my family, and hopefully get some much needed rest. I decided to book a one-way flight this time because I’m not sure when I’ll feel rested...
Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.