Sell your heart out!

Nov 21, 2012 | Sparkly Love

When you are an artisan or crafter, the holiday season is when you really need to put your game face on and put everything into high gear. Leading up it can be a time of sleepless nights, panic attacks and complete overwhelm. Since I organize craft shows for a living, I see first hand the wear and tear it can have on our exhibitors. They arrive in the morning of set up with raccoon eyes, holding a venti and complaining about another 3-hour sleep. It reminds me of exam time when it seemed justified to neglect self care in exchange for as much study time as possible. Plus everyone else was doing it so it seemed like an even better idea!

I know it can be easy to let your health and wellbeing slide when you need to make as much product as humanely possible…BUT I want to tell you that by not caring for your number one asset you are completely sabotaging yourself and those late nights are actually completely counterproductive.

When customers come to a show they are looking for an experience. They want to feel your passion and hear your story. Otherwise they would have just gone to a mall. The energy you are putting out while you are in your booth is either attracting or repelling customers a whole lot more than what you are actually selling. I know this sounds weird, but I have seen it over and over again and know it to be absolutely true.

This is why taking care of yourself is so crucial to success. Now, I am not a health coach so I am not going to tell you what to eat or preach about how much to work out (you are probably already know anyways), but what I do know is that feeling good is an incredibly powerful sales force. This is because when you have good energy you naturally smile more, have a positive vibe and are easy to connect with. You open your heart more and make the people around you feel good too. And guess what? They want to open their wallets and support you!

On the other hand, if you are feeling shitty because you hardly slept and ate a donut for breakfast your energy is completely messed up. Customers will feel this and even if they think your product is cool, will be less likely to buy. You might have been able to make 20 more belts because you stayed up until 4 in the morning, but if you are too tired to say more than hello it make no difference.

You are your biggest asset especially when it comes to selling at craft shows. I know you spent a lot of money to have a booth and want to sell as much as possible, but don’t be careless with yourself.

If you remember one thing when preparing for the crazy holiday season:

Feel good = sell more

Sparkly love,


Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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