How to feel like a normal human being again!

Nov 30, 2012 | Sparkly Love

It has been a pretty intense month for me to say the least. Here’s how it all went down: I was trapped in NYC without power during Sandy. It was both a terrifying and incredible experience. Because of airport closures, I came home only a week before Make It Vancouver which turned out to be our best show to date. The Following weekend helped my brother Chandler sell a zillion Ole Originals t-shirts at Art Market in Calgary. One week after that we had Make It Edmonton and it was ever busier than Vancouver with over 10,000 people in 3.5 days!

It feels surreal to think all this has occurred in less than a month. Right now I am still coming down from all of the excitement and stimulus. When every moment of your life is planned out and accounted for, it feels very weird when you don’t really have anything you have to do. For weeks I have been dreaming about the day I could sleep in, be lazy, and do whatever I felt like doing. But now that I am experiencing it I have realized I need to be gradual in slowing down. It’s like coming off a month long adrenaline high!

I am not sure if you have crossed the holiday craziness finish line yet, but when you do here are some tips I have learned to help the transition:

  1. Give yourself permission to enjoy the feeling of completion. You accomplished something amazing and deserve to reflect on how awesome that is. I do this by meditating or soaking in the bath. Candles help set the mood too
  2. Celebrate! Go for a meal with friends or family and order something you normally wouldn’t because it seems too pricey. Have a glass of the expensive wine and acknowledge that you earned it!
  3. Hangout with people outside of your community. If you have been selling at a ton of craft shows chances are you have spent most of your socializing ‘talking shop’. Make plans with a friend who is totally separate from the crafty world and focus on topics non-work related
  4. Be as lazy as possible! Let your body catch up on sleep and only do things which are relaxing and fun
  5. Focus on self-care. Start eating more plant based food, cut out anything processed, and get back on track with your exercise routine. Also, book yourself a massage and facial. You will be amazed how much better you look and feel!
  6. Clean your space. When we are super duper busy it can be hard to take care of your home. Your inner world and outer world start to magically match! Spend an afternoon getting your place looking beautiful and it will make you feel amazing inside too. If you hate cleaning, hire someone to help you
  7. Read. Instead of working in your business, take a step back and work on your business by reading the books that keep on being recommended to you by fellow entrepreneurs

If you do all of these things, I guarantee you will have an easy and healthy recovery from the crazy holiday show season. Your wellbeing is your #1 asset when it comes to running your business so please don’t neglect your self-care!

Do you have any tips of recovering from show season? If so please share them in the comments below. If you liked this article, please share it on the Facebook and the Twitter. Plz & Thx!

Are you ready to take your business and life to the next level? Good! Check out The Creative Entrepreneur Success Kit and I will show you how to turn your hobby into a 6 figure empire! Pssst, it’s easier than you think and ANYONE can do it 🙂

Sparkly Holiday love to all of you,



Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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