What I learned from Oprah

Jan 30, 2013 | Sparkly Love

I was beyond excited when my sweet boyfriend bought me a ticket to see Oprah in Vancouver. I couldn’t have asked for a better gift…major score for Neil! Like many of you, I grew up watching Oprah and learned so much about life, spirit and love from her show. Her way of communicating is so easily relatable and personable, it’s no wonder she has been able to build an empire.

All last week I was counting down to Thursday night because I knew whatever Oprah was going to tell us would be jam packed with wisdom and inspiration. And she did not disappoint! From start to finish (over 2 hours), Oprah delivered a sermon that not only put life into clear perspective, but also offered simple guideline to living life to the fullest. I sat there like a thirsty sponge and drank it all in.

There were countless nuggets of golden wisdom, but these are my 3 favourites:

  1. Preparation + opportunity = luck…or what we perceive to be luck. This means that if we are not prepared and open to good things coming into our lives, the opportunity will just pass. Maybe we will realize it and maybe we won’t. As an example, if you want a profitable and successful business you have to be prepared and ready to let it happen.
  2. Listen to the whispers. When something just doesn’t feel right, acknowledge it. Explore that feeling and listen to what your gut is telling you. The universe tells us things all the time, but many people are too unconscious to hear it until it hits them over the head with a 2 by 4! You can save so much time and heartache if you just listen the first time.
  3. Being of service to others is the most important calling in life. Figure out how to get paid for doing something you love. Oprah is probably the best example of this. She does what she loves, serves millions of people and gets paid a fat paycheck for it! Focus on what gifts you can contribute to others and everything else will fall into place.

Just writing this out makes me feel buzzy and glowy inside! I hope that it will inspire you too. It feels so fantastic to be reminded that anything is possible if we allow and decide it to be. Holding back your gifts and talents from the world serves no one. Be open and pursue what you were put on this Earth to do, baby!

Last week I told you that I was changing things up on the Make It U blog by getting you, my beloved readers to send in your burning questions. I was delighted to receive a bevy of amazing responses and I am so stoked to start answering them all! A BIG thanks to everyone who submitted but if you didn’t get around to it, please email me yours anytime (jenna@makeituniversity.com). I would be honored to answer them and chances are lots of your fellow crafty peeps have the exact same questions. It’s a triple win!

Thank you so much reading and have a sparkly day.

All my love,


Pssst….Big News!

Right now I am working on an awesome new biz booster program that will gear you up for spring and summer success. I am calling it Spring Cha Ching! Many crafty entrepreneurs leave cash on the table because they don’t prepare properly in the first half of the year. Since we are fresh out of the gates in 2013, it is crucially important you are strategic with your spring season because it is chocked full of opportunities. It can be easy to overlook, but since you are a smart cookie I know you won’t make this lucrative mistake.

Stay tuned to learn how you can register early for Spring Cha Ching and score some rad early bird bonuses!

Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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