I wanted to write an inspiring, beautiful and well crafted post, but alas it’s Make It season and my brain is focused on way too many things! As we set up the show today, I had every intention on ducking into a hidden corner with my MacBook Air and writing something from my heart, but instead it’s late and I have to get up early to promote the show on Global. I’m really excited for this weekend, because I can already feel that it’s going to be a super awesome show at the Enjoy Centre.
If you live in Edmonton/St Albert I really hope to see your pretty face at Make It. Walking around today, I was astounded by how amazing all the booths look. It’s so very touching to see the caliber of artists and makers who are participating, and sometimes I really can’t believe it. To think back 8 years ago, when my pal Ally Ng and I had our very first Stop & Shop at the Art Barns, to what Make It is today humbles me in the deepest way. All I can say is how grateful I am to all the ongoing support of the Makies and the community. I am truly thankful.
Also, I didn’t win STORYHIVE even though I know so many of you voted. It sucks not to win, but I have some pretty big plans for #MakeItTV that are starting to take shape in a very amazing way. As always, I have faith in the Universe and I know I wasn’t meant to win because there is something even better waiting for me around the corner.
Once the dust has settled from this weekend, I’m very excited to get started on revamping my Make It University program, and creating some more awesome content for you. It’s been a pretty intense month since I’ve been back from Costa Rica, but I’m super pumped to get rolling on some new ideas and projects 🙂