Love, Joy and Magic

Welcome to the Jenna Herbut Blog

Life after Make It + launching something new 🙂

You haven't heard from me in a little while because I've been up to my eyeballs with Make It. Our Vancouver show ended just over a week ago, and I'm still recovering from all of the excitement! This year the shows were back to back which is always a challenge. Edmonton was also in a brand new venue, and although we were really pumped, it's always very stressful to move locations. Needless to...

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An easy way to help your dreams come true!

One of the best books I have ever read, is the E-Myth by Michael Gerber. There are so many amazing lessons in this book, but I would say the one that stuck with me the most is the concept of working 'on' your business vs. 'in' it. As entrepreneurs, it's so easy to get caught up in the cycle of doing a million little things instead of taking a step back and observing the bigger picture. There's a...

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The secret to getting what you really want

One of the greatest feelings I get to experience is when someone comes up to me and tells me that they just quit their day job to pursue their dreams full time. Over the 7 years we have been running Make It, there have been more people than I can count who have shared this special moment with me. The look on their face when they describe how happy and ecstatic they are to now be able to make a...

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How to make anywhere feel more like New York

I have been back from NYC for just under a week now. It was a 4 night whirlwind trip that I decided to take right after Tony Robbins’s Unleash the Power Within in LA. After Tony, I felt as high as a kite and a stop over in my favourite city was the perfect compliment to my new super charged perspective on life! I have been obsessed with New York City for as long as I can remember. When I was a...

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How I walked on fire!

I'm writing this on a flight traveling from Los Angeles to New York City. My whole body is overflowing with joy because not only did I just spend 4 days with Tony Robbins, but now I'm headed to my favourite city on the planet. This is a moment where I can't believe how freaking awesome my life feels! Plus Make It Edmonton is exactly one month away and I know it's going to be our best show to...

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8 easy steps to add more magic into your life!

Since it's October, there's a lot of magic in the air. I don't think there's anything more beautiful than a warm autumn day when the sky is brilliant blue and there are red and orange leaves everywhere. That crisp clean smell also always reminds me there's an abundance of new opportunities and possibilities. Plus I find it's easy to get lots done because the days are shorter and it feels cozy to...

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I did something I never thought I would

It’s easy to let other people define who we are. If you are told you are something over and over again it’s pretty difficult to not start to believe it.  In certain cases I think it’s almost impossible. This is why people usually pick up the good and bad habits of their parent’s and the people they grow up with. The only way to break the cycle is to have the awareness of what’s actually...

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How to hustle with heart

Organizing an event like Make It means there's a whole lot of hustle involved. Over the past 7 years, we have grown the shows from 25 exhibitors and 1000 customers, to 250 exhibitors and over 18,000 customers! For the 2 months leading up to the shows I basically turn into a blonde-haired-hype-machine! I'm naturally enthusiastic, so getting people excited about an idea is super fun for me. I...

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Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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