What to do when you don’t know what to do…

Sep 19, 2012 | Sparkly Love

When you are an artist, designer or crafter getting your work out into the world is both terrifying AND one of the most rewarding things you can ever imagine. I know it can sometimes feel completely overwhelming, but here are some of my best tips to help you get to where you want to go.

What to do when you don’t know what to do:

  1. Get super crystal clear on what exactly success means to you and what you want your life to feel like. Do you see your work featured in galleries, shops, or in magazines? What does your workspace look like? How much money you want to see in your bank account? Pick a number! Fortune follows clarity.
  2. Come up with a plan of action. Think about where you would like to go and then reverse engineer it so you can take action steps to get closer to your goal. Huge accomplishments are based on a series of steps. Think about the pyramids when you need a visual.
  3. Talk to people who are doing what you want to do and learn form them. Other artists are such a wealth of knowledge and usually very generous when it comes to giving information and support. Talk to as many successful people as possible. Go to the places they hang out at or connect on social media.
  4. Do one small thing everyday, even if it is just a tweet. Working towards your goal takes discipline so you have to always be moving forward.
  5. Keep yourself focused and on task, but don’t be too much of a hard ass or your will not have fun! Do 2 hour chunks of intense work and then have a dance break. Everyday have at least 1-3 intentions of what needs to get done. Write things down in your calendar instead of having a crazy long list on thing you want to do.
  6. Things change and opportunities appear. Be positive and let things happen naturally. If you feel stuck and like you are hitting your head against the wall think about why. Is there another way to go about what you are trying to accomplish?
  7. There is no right way to do anything. Make your own rules and take chances. Try something totally crazy if it feel right. The biggest magic comes from when you do what you feel in your heart.
  8. Celebrate your success because accomplishments are awesome. Plus it makes life WAY more fun when you celebrate.
  9. Do what feels good and natural. When things feel easy, it is a good sign. Don’t be afraid of things feeling “too good.” It is silly and counterproductive.
  10. You are being greedy if you don’t share your gifts with the world. You are the only one who possesses your unique special gifts. Be kind and give it to us! We are ready.

What are some of your best tips to motivate yourself when you are overwhelmed? Please share them in the comments below and pass along this article with your crafty pals if you think they would enjoy it.

How’s is your prep going for the holiday season? Are you ready to make it rain dolla’ bills?! If you would like to make this your best holiday season ever, I would love to teach you everything I know about how to rock your sales. Cha Chingle Bells delivers an simple step by step method to ensure you are prepared, confident and ready to make more money than you ever thought possible. This stuff REALLY works and has allowed me to make over 6 figures and take 4 months off every year just from selling at craft shows. It will change your life, plus it is fun and won’t take you more than 3 hours to complete!

You CAN do this and I believe in you with all my heart.


Sparkly love,



Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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