We have all been there. That feeling when you seize up and have no idea what to do next. It can come from overwhelm, exhaustion or just not knowing what your next move should be. It sucks to feel stuck, but there are some things that I have found very helpful in getting past this temporary roadblock.
1. Close the laptop and get outside!
I know it sounds simple but fresh air and some low impact exercise is my favourite way to recharge. Listening to my favourite music while you walk in nature puts me into a state of bliss and soon all the stress and anxiety that was getting in my way subsides. When I reopen my laptop I am fresh with ideas and realize that I was taking my business WAY too seriously.
2. Create a group of like minded crafty entrepreneurs that “get” you.
I can guarantee there are lots of peers who feel stuck and would love a chance to get together and talk it out. Send a message on Facebook to some of your craft show buddies and organize a night out where you have a drink or two and discuss what you are going through. Chances are they will know exactly how you feel and having the support of like minded individuals is a wonderful thing. Plus you will create friendships with peeps you share a lot in common with.
3. Write out a list of what exactly needs to get done and when
Do you really need to do all 99 things on your to-do list by tomorrow? I am guessing NO! Be realistic and break down what does need to be done now or in the immediate future, and what can be put aside for later. You work for yourself remember?! So stop being a slave driver!
4. Watch a silly movie, dance around to 90’s music, eat too much chocolate, paint your toenails a fun colour…
Just do something that is not related to work that will make yourself feel good. The whole point to being an entrepreneur is not having to follow rules. Having fun and making your own schedule is one of the biggest perks! You are the boss here and no one else!