So, what’s your excuse?!

Feb 12, 2016 | Uncategorized


I’m writing to you from beautiful Whistler, where I’m with my parent’s and brother for a couple days. It’s my dad’s 65th Birthday, and Chandler and I decided to surprise him with a ski trip because he hadn’t been on the slopes for almost 10 years. My dad is an epic skier, and we used to ski as a family all the time in Jasper. I have so many glorious memories as a kid on the mountain with my family. It’s now full circle because this time it was the kids taking the parents on the trip instead of the other way around. To see how happy my dad was to do something he loved after so many years, was absolutely priceless. Since it was raining, my mom and I decided to stay back and shop/stroll around the village. When my dad and brother returned to our Airbnb cabin late afternoon, he had the biggest smile on his face and couldn’t stop talking about what an awesome day he had. Apparently Chandler even had a hard time keeping up! He was like a hyper little kid and it was so heartwarming to share this beautiful experience as a family.

It would have been so easy for my dad to never strap on skis again. My parent’s live in Phoenix in the winter, and Edmonton in the summer, so it’s not like skiing is convenient. Despite my dad’s love for the sport it’s easier to just make a bunch of excuses why it just wasn’t possible for him to do anymore. He has talked about wanting to go skiing many times over the years, but it just didn’t happen because no concrete plans were made. The only reason I’m in Whistler right now, is because my brother and I set the intention and then followed through with action. When I think about this, it’s really how any progress in life is made.

As we get older, shit is just harder to do. We have so much going on and it seems like time goes faster and faster each year. I remember when I was younger my parent’s would always say this, and I didn’t think it made any sense, but as I get older I can totally see what they mean. If you don’t diligently plan to do something, it simply doesn’t get done.

In my own life I have a few examples of this. One big one is is relaunching the Make It website. I’m embarrassed to say it’s over 7 years old, and whenever I go on it I feel ashamed and gross. If you have been on our site you totally know what I’m talking about! The site hasn’t been refreshed not because we haven’t tried, it’s just that the lead up time for Make It is so intense, and then we need to decompress for a couple weeks…and then it seems like it’s show time right away again. I can’t count how many times we have started to redo the site, but it goes on the back burner because we have other things that take priority. I know just from typing it that these are all lame ass excuses. Busted myself!

With that said, this year is the year the website is going to get done! I have turned the want/should/like into a MUST! I learned at Tony Robbins in October that this is the only way that change truly happens. When the desire is not that strong or committed, things just don’t happen. This can be applied to weight loss, quitting a job, starting a new biz and pretty much anything else.

Lots of people have big dreams and want to make epic stuff happen. I for one am a huge dreamer and have visions of growing Make It into a handmade empire! I see the show expanding to more cities, expanding Make It University worldwide, hosting a TV show, and writing a book to name a few. But, I know if I make excuses and don’t commit to the action needed to do all of these things, nothing will get done and they will remain sparkly dreams.

If you have been following me for a while you know I’m a HUGE supporter of Marie Forleo’s B-School. I was incredibly fortunate to have been personally coached by Marie in 2012 and she’s been a mentor of mine ever since. She’s an amazing human being and her commitment to executing her dreams is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Marie has had more impact on my journey as an entrepreneur than anyone else. She is truly a business genius, and I soak up everything she says as do hundred of thousands of her fans all over the world.

Her latest free video (that you absolutely need to see!) is all about following through and busting past your lame ass excuses of why you are not good or worthy enough. Feeling this way is totally normal, but what separates people who achieve greatness from people who don’t, is their commitment to sticking with it no matter what. I know it sounds overly simple, but that really is the secret.

When people ask me how I’ve grown a successful business like Make It, I always say it’s because I stuck with it for so many years. I think they are usually looking for a sexier answer, but the truth is the people who get ahead are the ones who persevere when others say f*ck it and quit. No magic, just determination and tolerating feeling stressed, terrified or overwhelmed from time to time.

Skiing today was probably something my dad will remember for the rest of his life. He was in his glory and doing something he was born to do. To think he might have not ever experienced that joy is really sad. I know it’s a simple example, but when you look at your own life what are you not doing because you have made so many excuses of why it’s not possible? If you are honest, I can almost guarantee there’s something.

Right now, I want to you to set aside 40mins for yourself to get cozy, steep some tea and watch Marie’s final video. It’s by far my favorite, and only available for a limited time. It is going to open your eyes up to some of your blind spots and make you see things differently. You might feel uncomfortable, but trust me this is where the juicy, good stuff is. I’m a proud affiliate of B-School, but even if you have no interest in investing in the program, please take advantage and watch her video series because it really is outstanding. Make sure you also share it with your entrepreneurial friends.

If you have any questions about Marie or B-School please email me

Now let’s bust through our lame ass excuses!!

Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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