Why you should never DIY!

Oct 2, 2014 | Sparkly Love

Lately I’ve felt that things are really starting to click into place for me. I have so many different projects on the go including launching my video series #MakeItTV, developing a new website and then gearing up for the Make It Shows in Edmonton and Vancouver. It feels overwhelming and scary at times, but there is also a sense of ease because I’m working with some pretty freaking fantastic people. I recall something that Danielle LaPorte said about hiring the best people you can afford, and I can definitely see why this is a huge factor in her massive success. When you are working with others who are motivated, enthusiastic and care about your project, it can accelerate you to a whole new level. Plus it’s way more fun!

I think a big reason many creative entrepreneurs get stuck is because they don’t seek out the assistance that they need. Instead of trying to find someone to help them, they slog through trying to do EVERYTHING themselves. This is obviously not very sustainable or healthy, plus you will probably start to hate what you do. I know that I have been in this position so many times where I’m doing way too much and not  doing a good job at any of it. There are still times I have difficulty hiring out what I can just do myself. When I fall back into this mindset, I try to be more conscious of it because I know it’s not serving me or anyone else. This actually occurred to me as I’m trying to edit this post myself!

The reason I find it hard to hire people, is because I question the validity of my project. For example, when I decided to create my personal brand and began creating a new website, there were so many times that I wondered if there was any point or if anyone cared. I went back and forth a lot, but finally I decided to hire the fabulous Heather Pennell and Azalea Moen to help me do it. When I committed to them both financially, emotionally and spiritually, everything else started to click into place. On the weekend we did a photo shoot for my site and above is one of the fun shots that Heather took (if you would like to see others click here). We had such a blast and it felt so good to be working with these powerhouse ladies who I know are working really hard to make me look good 🙂

When you say yes and commit yourself to achieving something awesome, the Universe has a magical way of conspiring to help you get to your dreams. One of my favourite writers is Steven Pressfield and in his incredible book, Turning Pro, he talks about the daily struggle of resistance. It can feel like an impenetrable force that is pushing you away from your passion. This feeling is the f*cking worst and the only way you can overcome it is to just keep on doing what you know in your heart you are meant to do. Basically there is no easy way around it, so you just have to charge right through! Having good people working with you and keeping you accountable can make this process a hell of a lot easier.

Bringing on someone to help you with your business can start off like a slow clap. Maybe you just pay a friend’s sister to help you out a couple hours a week scheduling your social media. Or it could be bringing on an intern to help you tag product for the upcoming Make It Show. However small and simple the task, it’s good practice to developing the allocation muscle that will serve you so well as your business grows. It might seem weird at first that you are getting someone else to do something that you could do yourself, but just remember to think like a BOSS!

Sparkly love,


Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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