Home sweet home

Nov 12, 2013 | Sparkly Love

For the last year I haven’t had a permanent residence. This was initially done on purpose so my ex-fiancé Neil and I could have more flexibility to travel and pursue projects. At first is was all very exciting and liberating to put all our stuff into an 8′ by 10′ storage locker. There was complete freedom in the idea that we could take off for months at a time and not have to worry about rent, BC Hydro or an internet bill. It was the thrill of the unknown.

Launching an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for a documentary about the handmade community and travelling in Europe for 2 months were the highlights from the past year. Neither would have happened if we didn’t make the decision to temporarily live in Neil’s parent’s basement and then at my parent’s place in Edmonton for a big chunk of the year.

After we decided to end our relationship in the late summer, I was heartbroken, devastated and had nowhere to live. Luckily my brother Chandler and some very close girlfriends let me stay with them as I sorted everything else. I cried constantly and let them support and console me. It was the greatest lesson in being vulnerable. Being very independent, this is not always the easiest thing for me.

Right before Neil and I broke up we had bought a condo together that wasn’t going to be ready until the beginning of November. When we ended our relationship, it was decided that I would be moving into the new place by myself. When I was sleeping on an air mattress on the floors of my friends and then in a tiny temporary sublet, I dreamt about how amazing it would feel to finally have a place to call my own. It felt like it couldn’t come soon enough!

Last weekend I moved into the condo. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to finally come home. I was beyond excited to see my dusty furniture that had been in storage for the past year, and open boxed filled with memories and shoes that I completely forgot about!

Even though the this year has been filled with incredible adventures and life changing moments, I’ve realized that being home is the best feeling in the world. There’s nothing better feeling than being in a sacred space that allows you to completely relax and reconnect with yourself. It’s something that I always took for granted before I spent a year without it.

Even though travelling and adventure will still be a big part of my life, I don’t think I will ever be able to give up my home again. It was a romantic idea that was way harder than I ever thought it would be. From this experience I learned a stronger sense of gratitude.

Now that I have moved into my new place, I feel grounded again. It’s been very hard to unpack and settle because I’m so busy with Make It happening next weekend in Edmonton and then the week after in Vancouver, but I don’t even care. I just know this is my little space in the world where I can be exactly who I am.

I’m sharing my story because I hope it will allow you to connect to your own home in a deeper way. Taking pride and loving where you live is way more important than I ever realized. Make it the place that you feel your best self. Take the time to clean and decorate your home in a way which resonates and inspires you. It is worth the time and effort.

Which reminds me, I should really get back to unpacking ;). If you have a comment, I would love for you to leave it below.

Sparkly love,


Pssst! Cha Chingle Bells will only be available to buy for a couple more weeks. If you want to take advantage of this online program designed to help you kick a$$ this holiday season, you better get on it. You will have 2 years access to the program, so even if you can’t do it now you can save it for later.

Here’s what a happy customer had to say about the program:

“First of all, I just wanted to tell you how overly pleased ( I guess that would make me over the moon!) about the Make it! University “Cha Chingle Bells” vids we signed up for 🙂

Last night my husband and I sat up and folded 2000 cards for the upcoming markets, and watched all 7 videos, and I went through the List of stuff to remember .pdf and said, “oh yeah!” a whole bunch of times, tee hee!
So thank you so much for making them in the first place, sharing your awesome stories ( I particularly love the one with you and your brother) and for your vibrant smile. It makes watching a joy!” Angela- Pickle Punch

Meet Jenna

Hello, I’m Jenna and I want to help make your life more magical! Not just in a glossy, filtered, perfectly Instagramed way, but in a way that feels amazing to you. I want to show you how you can serve the world by just being your gorgeous, perfectly imperfect self.

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